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★  25 Juny  25 Junio  25 June  25 Juin  



live spoken word performance

Projecció + col·loqui
Proyección + coloquio
Screening + discussion
Dépistage + discussion

DILLUNS: 21:00

LUNES: 21:00

MONDAY: 21:00

LUNDI: 21:00


sessió 11

aka TanKmutation

Born in 1977 Le Havre, Normandie, France. Resides between Barcelona and Paris. Filmmaker, editor, photographer, VJ and video manipulator Elise Passavant, is a selfproclaimed "multimedia Swiss-army knife”. Having directed over 200 professional commercials for web cast, and with more than 25 video shorts under her belt, Elise straddles the underground music video/alternative art scene as well as mainstream media, in 2011 her short Wonder Woman was awarded the grand prize from Unisep in France for best public service announcement.
Her video shorts have been showcased in international film festivals from Europe to Japan including the prestigious German Museums Stat Regensburg and Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin. By employing a variety of film and still cameras, the pirating-sampling of images and her textural post- production techniques, she creates a sensual visual poetry uniquely her own.

Born in 1959 Rochester, New York, United States. Resides in Barcelona.
Lydia Lunch refused the confines of a formal education, opting instead to establish herself as a No Wave musician in New York City in 1976.
An independent artist prolific in music, literature, film, video and photography, she has performed as well as taught workshops at numerous Universities, Museums and Art Festivals for three decades and continues to explore new mediums in which to express her passion and creativity. Lydia Lunch was voted by Timeout New York as one of the most influential performers originating from NYC and has worked with dozens of other renegades including Sonic Youth, Nick Cave, Omar-Rodrigues Lopez, Karen Finley, Richard Kern and Hubert Selby Jr.



L'abril del 2010 Elise Passavant va documentar The Fabulous Mutantes Party de Virginie Despentes a Bourges (França), on va actuar Lydia Lunch and Big Sexy Noise. Una vaga de trens al dia següent va fer que Elise i Lydia es trobessin. Van saltar espurnes. Es va crear un vincle.
Les dues van ajuntar forces i fins ara han creat 13 projectes únics que combinen imatge, música i spoken word. En aquesta sessió presenten els fruits d'aquesta impressionant col·laboració.


In April 2010 Elise Passavant documented Virginie's Despentes Fabulous Mutantes Party in Bourges (France) which featured Lydia Lunch and Big Sexy Noise. A train strike the next day brought Elise and Lydia together. Sparks flew. A bond was formed.
The two joined forces and have in the interim created 13 unique projects which marry film, music and spoken word. This evening presents the fruits of this impressive collaboration.

Mutante Party

2010_3 min
Documentation clip.

Gospel Singer

2010_3 min
Music video. Accidental soundtrack. Unfortunately life is well done.
Music by Big Sexy Noise.
Your Love Don't Pay
2010_3:45 min
Music video. A raunchy rocker which takes to task a selfish lover who has outgrown his usefulness.
Music by Big Sexy Noise.

Trust the Witch

2011_3:25 min
Documentation clip. The making Not Of, also known as 'Lost in La Witch'.
Music by Big Sexy Noise.
Will Work for Drugs
2011_2 min
Book teaser. A short film based on Lydia Lunch’s book Will Work For Drugs. A sexy psychedelic
teaser, which highlights the underground icon’s sultry voice and provocative poetry.
Ballin the Jack
2011_4 min
Music video. It's not what you got, it's what you're gonna get.
Music by Big Sexy Noise.

Music from the forth coming album by Cypress Grove and Lydia Lunch.
When You're Better
2011_2 min
Music video. The return of a tragic lover fuels the heart break of longing and remorse in this bruising ballad of tortured romance.
Devil Winds
2011_3:20 min
Music video. The bruising desert blues of Devil Winds sing of the emptiness of lonely nights haunted by a passion that has turned toxic. Filmed in the abandoned ghost towns of Soria, Spain.
2012_2:45 min
Music video. Filmed in civil war ruins of Belchite, Spain, Jericho is an antiwar ballad sung from the
perspective of a soldier’s widow. Even though she had begged her lover to reconsider before enlisting,
poverty and unemployment forced him like so many other young men into battle.

Sick With Desire Teaser

2012_0:30 min
Teaser for spoken words performance with VJ set.
Find the Body
2012_4:10 min
VJ set upon Lydia Lunch spoken words.
2012_3:30 min
Experimental Video. The desert as refuge to a haunted fugitive who seeks solace amongst the
phantoms and restless spirits that perpetuate an endless limbo. Filmed in Soria, Spain.


2009/2012_13 min
VJ Xperiment.
Dust and Shadow Debut
2012_10 min
Music by Dragging the Mule. VJ Xperiment.
Live spoken word performance.

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Tercera temporada de FLUX CLUB, un club de vídeo que, amb una periodicitat quinzenal i amb la màxima flexibilitat, pretenem que reflecteixi la vitalitat del vídeo de creació de la nostra ciutat. Es tracta d’una extensió del Festival de vídeo d’autor FLUX, amb sessions obertes a tot el que està passant en el camp del vídeo a Barcelona, que complementen el festival des del punt de vista dels seus continguts i que estenen el seu període d’acció més enllà dels dies estrictament dedicats al festival.

La intenció és acollir tot tipus de sessions: projeccions, videoperformances i col·loquis que ofereixin al públic la possibilitat del contacte directe amb els videocreadors. Tant poden ser sessions monogràfiques d'autors reconeguts com temàtiques, col·lectives dedicades a autors emergents, a la presentació de treballs d’estudiants, o centrades en la videopoesia o la videodansa.

FLUX CLUB és un espai de difusió del vídeo de creació a la ciutat de Barcelona.


Tercera temporada de FLUX CLUB, un club de vídeo que, con una periodicidad quincenal y con la máxima flexibilidad, pretendemos que refleje la vitalidad del vídeo de creación de nuestra ciudad. Se trata de una extensión del Festival de vídeo d’autor FLUX, con sesiones abiertas a todo lo que está pasando en el campo del vídeo en Barcelona, que complementan el festival desde el punto de vista de sus contenidos y que extienden su período de acción más allá de los días estrictamente dedicados al festival.

La intención es acoger todo tipo de sesiones: proyecciones, videoperformances y coloquios que ofrezcan al público la posibilidad del contacto directo con los videocreadores. Tanto pueden ser sesiones monográficas de autores reconocidos como temáticas, colectivas dedicadas a autores emergentes, a la presentación de trabajos de estudiantes, o centradas en la videopoesía o la videodanza.

FLUX CLUB es un espacio de difusión del vídeo de creación en la ciudad de Barcelona.

The third season of FLUX CLUB is here: a fortnightly and fully flexible video club that aims to reflect the vitality of video creation in our city. It’s an extension of the FLUX Video Auteur Festival, with sessions open to everything currently going on in the field of video in Barcelona, complementing the festival from the point of view of its content and extending its sphere of influence beyond the few days programmed for the festival itself.

Our intention is to include all kinds of sessions: screenings, video performances and debates offering direct contact between the audience and the filmmakers. These sessions focus on a range of subjects, from monographics of well known directors to specific themes, from groups of up and coming authors to students; they may cover video poetry or video dance.

FLUX CLUB is a space for the dissemination of video art in the city of Barcelona.

Troisième saison du FLUX CLUB, un club  vidéo, bimensuel avec un maximum de flexibilité, nous cherchons à refléter la vitalité de la création vidéo dans notre ville. Ceci est une extension du Festival vidéo d' auteur  FLUX, avec des séances  ouvertes à tout ce qui se passe dans le domaine de la vidéo à Barcelone, qui vient compléter  le festival du point de vue du contenu et de prolonger la durée d'action plus loin que les jours  strictement dédiés au  festival.

L'intention est d'accueillir toutes sortes de sessions : projections, vidéoperformances et débats qui offrent au public la possibilité d’un contact direct avec les vidéocréateurs. Les séances peuvent être monigraphiques d’auteurs renommés , témathiques collectives dédiés aux artistes émergents, presentations de travaux d’élèves , vidéopoésie ou vidéodanse.

FLUX CLUB  est un espace de la diffusion vidéo de création dans la ville de Barcelone.



logotipos patrocinadores c. Verdaguer i Callís 12 · BCN · tel. 93 315 23 54 · ·

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