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OFF SANT JORDI DE TARDOR 2016 from 10th to 13th November

The Alternative Sant Jordi we celebrated at Antic Teatre last April on official Sant Jordi day went so well that a few weeks later we met up again in the Antic garden and decided that, since we have the space, the books, and the desire, we were going to repeat this before next April. And here we are.

We're the same participants as last time: Antic Teatre, El Culturista, It’s Written Literary Apparel and Llibreria Calders. However, things have developed and we are now joined by b. Putting it all together we have ended up with the ANTIC TEATRE FESTA MAJOR.

10th November 21'00 NICO ROIG, MARTÍN GUITIÉRREZ & LLUÍS SELLARÉS "Os meus shorts 3"
- Live Cinema
Co-directed and produced by: Nico Roig, Martín Gutiérrez and Lluís Sellarès
Music: Nico Roig/Os Meus Shorts
Musicians: Pablo Schvarzman (electronica, samplers, guitar), Oriol Roca (drums and keyboards) and Nico Roig (guitar and keyboards)

Running time: 50 min
Price: 8 euros ONLINE // 10 euros BOX OFFICE

Buy tickets →

[+] INFO →

"Os meus shorts 3" is a project based on experimentation with audio and video, music and film. A compilation of the best moments from a series of films, documentaries and texts combined in a visual and musical show full of aphorisms, thoughts, visual experiments and live music.

This is a live cinema experience, a visual collage that will fill Antic Teatre with emotions, moods, situations and a flood of ideas. It's a film show with performances and sound fragments from Nico Roig, Oriol Roca, Pablo Schvarzman, Martín Gutiérrez and Lluís Sellarès.

Os meus shorts present a whole new performance experience, an instrumental project initiated by musician Nico Roig, which includes in this case live audio-visuals as a fresh area for experimentation.

logotipos patrocinadores c. Verdaguer i Callís 12 · BCN · tel. 93 315 23 54 · anticteatre@anticteatre.com · www.anticteatre.com

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