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L'ANTIC TEATRE AL GREC 2015 From 3rd to 31st July
A proposition by Antic teatre in collaboration with Barcelona's GREC 2015 Festival

PREMIERE July 25th 21:00 & 26th 20:00
CRIS BLANCO / ERNESTO COLLADO / CARME TORRENT "TACET (Performance for silenced places)"
- New drama
Creation: Cris Blanco, Ernesto Collado and Carme Torrent
Idea and coordination: G.R.U.A (Research Group for Artistic Universes)


Duration: 60 min
Price: 10 euros
Ticketing →

[+] INFO →

The silence of a body in movement. The silent stage. The silent stalls. The silence of a conversation. The silence of the street. The silence of the neighbours. The silence of the media. The silence of politics. One minute’s silence. TACET.

John Cage wanted to defy the very nature of music with his work 4’33’’. The only instruction in the score for this piece is the word tacet, indicating that the performer must remain silent and not play their instrument for four minutes and thirtythree seconds.

G.R.U.A (Research Group for Artistic Universes)
Invites three artists to create a piece based on the idea of silence, to be presented in various corners of the Antic Teatre and so generate an itinerary for contemplation and experimentation on the concept of silence, both from an artistic and from a socio-political perspective


With the collaboration of: 

logotipos patrocinadores c. Verdaguer i Callís 12 · BCN · tel. 93 315 23 54 · anticteatre@anticteatre.com · www.anticteatre.com

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