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L'ANTIC TEATRE AL GREC 2015 From 3rd to 31st July
A proposition by Antic teatre in collaboration with Barcelona's GREC 2015 Festival

July 17rh 20:00
Isabel Ollé, Quim Cabanillas & Vecinas of Casc Antic neighborhood "Ritme en el temps"
- Antic Teatre's community project with neighboring of Casc Antic
Creation: Casc Antic neighboring: Aurora Roig, Núria Gracia, Pilar Bajo , Alsi Fernández, Teresa Peiró, Pepita Bustamante, Maria Carme Rodríguez, Carmen Peaguda, Pilar Bayod , Emilia Martín, Pepa Ponferrada Cabello, Enrique Ibañez, Carme Calvet, Jonhattan Ballester, Maria Isabel Gutierrez Bogado y Lluïsa Cuquerella

Direction: Isabel Ollé y Quim Cabanillas
Production: Antic Teatre

With the collaboration of Ajuntament de Barcelona (Distrito de Ciutat Vella), Casal de Gent Gran del carrer Comerç, Convent de Sant Agustí


Duration: 50 min
Price: 6 euros (for financing of the project)
Ticketing →

[+] INFO →

Some of our neighbours have been dancing regularly in our auditorium for two years now. They are Carmen, Teresa, Pepi, Pili, Aurora, Rosario, Alsi, Pilar, Núria, Maria Carme, Emilia, Pepa l'Enrique, Carme, Jonhattan, Maria Isabel and Lluïsa; all women aged between 65 and 91, who live in Barcelona´s Casc Antic neighbourhood. Someone said, after seeing them perform, that they could well be the ‘grannies’ some of us have at home, or even the ‘grannies’ we ourselves will become some day. And the fact is that they deserve more than anyone to have, in their own neighbourhood, the visibility and the access to space and resources necessary for the artistic expression of all they have to tell us.

This will be their seventh performance in front of an Antic Teatre audience. They have even been part of the GREC Festival twice. At each presentation they face new challenges and take their artistic capabilities ever further, freeing up the creativity that was hidden to them for so long.

The Antic Teatre's community project with his neighbourhood consists of dance and movement workshops for older people and a series of public performances over the year. This provides access to the language and artistic expression of dance with the accompanying benefits that this has in terms of social inclusion and cohesion. At the same time, we create awareness of the needs and methods of expression of the least visible members of our community – the elderly.

Also included in the project are various activities designed to encourage relations across the generational divide, between the eldest and youngest residents of our neighbourhood.


With the collaboration of: 

logotipos patrocinadores c. Verdaguer i Callís 12 · BCN · tel. 93 315 23 54 · anticteatre@anticteatre.com · www.anticteatre.com

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